
Recent Testimonials

I was very happy. Everything about my case was handled so well and organized. I definitely recommend Techmeier Law.


I was just writing to say thank you so much for being there for me in my time of need. Michael ,you really handled everything professionally and stayed in contact, keeping me up to date on everything that’s going on with my case. I was very pleased and satisfied with the outcome of my case. I would recommend you to everyone I know.


Over the past 18 months Michael guided me through my auto accident case. He answered all my questions and explained next steps thoroughly including any options that I had, all while dealing with an uncooperative insurance company and their lawyer. Michael always gave me timely updates on my case and legal filings. Thank you Michael for your help and guidance with my case.


“My case was tough and was turned away by other attorneys.”

When I met with the Techmeier team, I knew I found the right attorneys for my case. They genuinely care about you and work to ensure you understand the legal jungle. They leave no stone unturned. The Techmeier Law Firm is the only firm I would want on my side.


I was just writing to say thank you so much for being there for me in my time of need. You really handled everything professionally and stayed in contact, keeping me up to date on everything that’s going on with my case. I was very pleased and satisfied with the outcome of my case. I would recommend you to everyone I know. Once again, thanks for everything and god bless.


We really were happy to have you as our attorney and we really appreciate all you did for us. Please accept this gift as our way of appreciation for the hard work you put on for us.
Just want to thank you for all your help and tell you how much you’re appreciated.

Thank you,


I just wanted to send a note to express my gratitude for all of the hard work Will did leading up to, and receiving my settlement. My husband and I are grateful that it only took eight months, especially since I was laid off from work a month ago. The diligence you put forth was above and beyond the call of duty. I also appreciated the fact that you kept me updated as things progressed.

If you ever need a testimonial, I’m more than willing to shout your praises!


It is long past the time of thank you’s. Emily Post is frowning at me!

You’ll be happy to know we have paid off our bills and are in the middle of refinancing our home.

I now have my old husband back. The stress of our bills and the lawsuit certainly had a grip on him.

Again, our deepest thanks for all your hard work since that first call in August.

Fondly, M&R

I am so grateful you worked on my case and obtained such wonderful results. I will highly recommend your services to anyone I may know that needs them. Thank you again.


Over the past 18 months Michael guided me through my auto accident case. He answered all my questions and explained next steps thoroughly including any options that I had, all while dealing with an uncooperative insurance company and their lawyer. Michael always gave me timely updates on my case and legal filings. Thank you Michael for your help and guidance with my case.
